It is very difficult to find a one-piece suit with a skirt bottom that fits nicely. I feel like I have been to every store on the planet. I envy Krista for wearing bikinis - they are so much easier to find!! My body is not bikini ready, nor will it ever be as I am COVERED in stretch marks on my stomach due to being overweight for so long and having 2 babies back to back.
But, yesterday I went with my family to an outlet mall and found exactly what I have been looking for at Winners. Weird thing is, I have been to 3 different Winners at least 6 times in the past few weeks and have not been able to find anything - but the one that we went to yesterday had 1 perfect one in my size. Only $19.99 too!!! Added bonus!
I found a video of myself that I took last March when I thought I was going to follow the Dr. Phil weight loss program. I was 180 lbs at the time and I look so different than I do right now. Its crazy that it took gaining another 10lbs to get my butt into Weight Watchers.
It's also crazy to know how much I yo-yo'd last year. I started the year at 195, I was 180 in March and back up to 190 by September. I am so glad to finally be at a place in my life where I feel like I am truly making life changes.