Monday, November 3, 2008

Great WI and oh so close.....

SO, today was WI day.
(drum roll please)
.........................................................down 2.2!
While it is GREAT to say goodbye to another 2.2 lbs forever - if it had of been 0.4 more I would have got my 10% keychain. I really wanted that keychain this week, but I knew that 2.6 lbs would be hard, especially since I haven't gotten of my butt to exercise yet.
I don't know what my problem is with exercise -just lazy I guess.
I VOW to earn at least 6 APs this week.
And hey, I'll get that keychain next week ;)


MeltingLisa said...

Great job Jen!!!! We owned Halloween whhhooooohooooo.

Awwww on the keychain .. next week for sure! I am doing online WW only and weighing with a buddy, so I will have to come up with my own rewards! I am about 8 pounds away from my 10%, think I will buy my own special keychain :) You must let me know what other wonderful things you get when you go to meetings! I get little starts on my WW Online chart hahah yay me!

Okay Jen you and I are on a "moving mission" this week ... lets both get those AP points this week!

MeltingLisa said...

Stars not starts grrrr need to pre-read before posting! Sorry

Girl of True Heart said...


K-Pow said...

You are sooo gonna get that keychain next week. I can feel it.

Great loss by the way!!

Good luck with your APs!