Monday, December 15, 2008

WI day from up above.

Today was WI day, and I am surprised to say that I lost 1 pound.

Last Monday we went to my favorite restaurant for fajitas - their fajitas are sooooo good because the shells are so much better than any others I have ever had. Apparently the waitress told me its the 'lard' that makes them so good (EWWWWW). Anyways, I had about 7 of them (YES, you read that correctly SEVEN). Afterwards we went home and had chocolate truffle birthday cake! I ate almost half the cake (again, your eyes are NOT deceiving you).

Not to mention that I had a big plate of chinese food for lunch that day.

SOOOO, that was Monday. The rest of the week was OK, but not great. I HATED counting pts on the new plan. I know I said I would give it a few weeks, but I really think that Core (simply filling) works best for me, so I'm doing that this week.

OK, Then Thursday I had the festive special at Swiss Chalet, including 2 of the truffles. Friday I went to a local deli and had an omelette with fries.

So, my 1 pound loss was really good considering.

I attribute that to my added activity last week. Also, I was telling my husband that it must have also included some divine intervention.

That being said - I KNOW that I can't be that lucky 2 weeks in a row - so its BACK ON TRACK for me today!!! We are planning on going to the Olive Garden in Buffalo on Saturday, so I will definitly be watching extra carefully what I put into my mouth between now and then.


Anonymous said...

wow way to go on the loss depsite all the yummy goodies!!

MeltingLisa said...

Jen I first off wanted to say thank you so much for your constant support, your comments to my ramblings always bring a smile to my face and it's such a great feeling knowing there are others out there doing the walk with you.

Okay now you ... yay on your loss! All those yummy treats, yip don't try it 2 weeks in a row! I think we all find what works for us, points works for me, if you are finding the other way works best for you, then you go for it. You have done such an incredible job up so far, so you are definitely doing everything right!

butterfly said...

I am droooollllllinnnggggg. All the yummy foods!

Congratulations on the loss, you ROCK!